Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Challenger #69, North Carolina

Samantha- As They Grow Up- Took The WAT-AAH! Challenge with her kids, even though they do love water, they still don't get ENOUGH! "My two year old is extremely active and loves playing outdoors. Even as hot as it is outside, he refuses to come in. I know I am lucky that he has always loved water, so when we had the opportunity to give WAT-AAH! a try I was excited!"

The Results...

"My son and daughter immediately wanted to give it a try once it arrived. They knew it was water, but the label alone made them want to reach for the WAT-AAH! over the regular bottled water in the fridge. Even my daughter that complains about taking water to school daily, asked to take a bottle with her lunch the next day."

Here is a video of her son's first sip of WAT-AAH!

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