The Results...
"My oldest son Rylan who is 3 was the first one to the refrigerator. As soon as he saw the WAT-AAH! bottles he was very curious and asked what it was. I told him it was WAT-AAH! and he immediately (much to my surprise) asked if he could have one. I let him pick which one he wanted and being all boy, he chose the blue which was WAT-AAH! Brain.
After Rylan tried it and kept drinking it, I thought I’d give it a shot to see what it tasted like. I figured it had to have some kind of flavoring or something because normally he won’t drink just water. I was very surprised to find out that in fact it did taste just like water.
The children have been requesting WAT-AAH! over their normal juice boxes. They were outside playing hard the other day and both of them each had their own bottle of WAT-AAH!
I’d say The WAT-AAH! Challenge was a success! I am happy to see my children requesting something that is very good for them!"
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