Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Challenger #21, Georgia

A group of moms from Atlanta took The WAT-AAH! challenge with their kids – here are their results!

Laura tells us, “My kids LOVED the packaging…especially the pink and blue colors! They already drink a good bit of water, but this makes it FUN!”

Two other Atlanta moms, Amy and Tara, tried The WAT-AAH! Challenge with their kids and had almost identical experiences. Upon finding WAT-AAH! in their fridge, their curiosity was immediately sparked – all of the kids were excited to try it and gave rave reviews!

Debbie tells us her kids “certainly found the packaging intriguing” and another mom from Atlanta tells us that after discovering WAT-AAH! in the fridge next to her milk cup, her daughter squealed with excitement and said “OOH Mommy, I want to have the pink water!”

WAT-AAH! is a hit in Atlanta!

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